Fun Fact

Weird Tent that you never see before

Still remember when is your last camping experience?

For males of course your army camp!

Alright! Jokes aside. Following are some types of weird tent that you never know it exist! For camping lovers, you might want to consider having one for your next trip.

Solar powered tent, feel like living in the future already!
Concrete tent, suddenly feel like back to stone age?
Sociable tent, if you like to make friend or live in a big group. This is definitely for you!
Jacket Tent, ONLY for anti-social camper. Forever alone!
Tree camp, If you like something weird this is for you. Imagine you are a kind of fruit on tree...
Dress tent, Weirdest award goes to this! Can't imagine wearing this for 3D2N camping...
Renting a tent for your event? Don’t worry, we are not renting those weird tents for your event.
Professional tentage company that provide professional tentage rental service. Guarantee is normal tent that doesn’t make your event goes to the list above!
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